4 March, 2022
About the facility
The private viewing room is open to members for the viewing of library media materials only. Priority will be given to NIE students who wish to view Restricted materials. There are two audio visual carrels with media equipment. Carrels may be booked for 3 hours per session.
Booking Procedure
Bookings can be made:
- Personally at the Service Point, or
- By phone (Tel: 6790 3626).
- Please specify the carrel number (No. 1 with Blu-ray/DVD player or No. 2 with Blu ray/DVD/CD/VCD/VHS Video player) when making your booking.
- Allocation of the room is on a first-come-first-served basis except when Restricted materials are involved in which case NIE students are given priority.
- Bookings may be made no more than one day in advance.
- Bookings will be cancelled after 15 minutes of no show.
- Before using the room, please produce your library card for verification at the Service Point.
- Only media materials from NIE Library are allowed to be viewed using the equipment in the room.
Room Guidelines
- Eating or drinking is not allowed in the room.
- Furniture in the room must not be rearranged or removed.
- Headphones must be used at all times to avoid disturbing other users. They are available for loan at the Service Point.
- A maximum of 4 people may share a carrel at a time as the junction box can only support 4 headphones at any one time. The junction box and adaptor are available for loan at the Service Point.